PICOR – 10 Years of Cross-Border Success

Gabrielle Fimbres
April 12, 2012

Editor’s Note: The following article appears in the Spring 2012 edition of BizTucson as part of a special report on Arizona-Mexico trade:

For years, PICOR Commercial Real Estate has done business along the border, helping companies grow.

“About 10 years ago we made the conscious decision that it was going to be a major part of our business,” said Michael S. Hammond, president and managing shareholder at locally owned PICOR.

“Usually when you create a new strategy, there is a lot of optimism – and then you get into it and say, ‘Geez, I didn’t see this, I didn’t see that.’ But the more we get involved in crossborder trade, the more opportunity we see, not less,” Hammond said.

PICOR has a multi-year commitment to cross-border commerce and investment, Hammond said. The Tucson company is a licensed real estate broker in Sonora, working with U.S. and Mexican firms on lease and real estate purchase requirements on both sides of the border.

Among clients PICOR has helped grow in Mexico is global giant Kimberly-Clark.

PICOR also represents Mexican individuals and entities with interest in Arizona investment property and those firms with business space requirements in Southern Arizona. Among those clients is Transportes de Autobuses del Pacifico, a  transportation company entering the U.S. market through Arizona. The Arizona-Mexico Commission has aided in the success of these projects by bringing together people from both sides of the border, Hammond said.

“As a businessman, I am looking for opportunity,” said Hammond, who is also president of Southern Arizona Leadership Council. “Through the Arizona-Mexico Commission, I am connecting with small businesses in Sonora who are looking to do business here.”

Link to original post: http://www.biztucson.com/biznews/cover-story/375-picor-10-years-of-cross-border-success

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