TUCSON, AZ. (January 6, 2021) – Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the PICOR Charitable Foundation was unable to come together in a traditional way to stage its 26th annual Pancake Feed in Reid Park. Instead of underwriting the supply cost for the event, PICOR Commercial Real Estate donated $10,000 to the Foundation and urged past donors to again contribute so that Tucson’s youth programs in need would receive grants at a time when non-profit budgets have been rocked by the times.
Against the odds of COVID, this was the year our cumulative donations topped $1,000,000. The result exceeded expectations. With a heartwarming increase from our lead donor, the Burton Family Foundation, our clients, vendors, community members, family, and friends joined to donate over $80,000.
While we could not serve meals to smiling faces in 2020, our volunteer committee reviewed 85 grant applications and selected 38 Tucson region non-profits to receive 2020 funding. PCF prioritizes support for organizations with smaller budgets and an emphasis on basic needs, and many organizations expressed operating or service-delivery challenges from the pandemic’s impact. Our 2020 grants funded trauma support, scholarships, shoes and clothing, books, arts exposure, sensory needs, a path to higher education, and more.

Year-end grants ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 were awarded to:
- The Abbie School (Arizona Center for Autism)
- Angel Heart Pajama Project (AHPP)
- Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation
- Arizona Theatre Company
YMCA of Southern Arizona - Arizona Youth Partnership
- Assistance League of Tucson, Inc.
- Aviva Children’s Services
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Tucson
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson
- Casa De Los Ninos
- Earn To Learn
- Educational Enrichment Foundation
- El Rio Health Center Foundation
- Gabriel’s Angels
- Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona
- Homicide Survivors, Inc.
- Integrative Touch For Kids
- Interfaith Community Services
- JobPath, Inc.
- Literacy Connects
- Make Way For Books
- Marana Unified School District Food & Clothing Bank
- More Than A Bed
- Our Family Services, Inc.
- Primavera Foundation
- Project Linus
- Reid Park Zoological Society
- Southern Arizona Children’s Advocacy Center
- Therapeutic Riding of Tucson (TROT)
- Tucson Girls Chorus
- Tucson Jewish Community Center
- YMCA of Southern Arizona
- The Youth Corps of America, Inc.
- Youth On Their Own
Three STEM-specific “Ken Nickel Memorial Grants” were matched by a $3,000 grant from Cushman & Wakefield | PICOR’s corporate support to Advocacy 31nine, San Miguel High School, and SARSEF.
To donate or apply for funds in our 2021 cycle, please visit www.picor.com/picor-charitable-foundation.